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Callum Russell – Rider Down!

Words: Orange Bikes | Photos: Jim Topliss

March 19 2018

20th March 2018

We have just heard from Callum's mum Nancy on the progress that Callum is making. His spinal surgery went to plan and his further treatment is going well. However, it has become clear that the spinal injury Callum suffered at the weekend is life-changing. Callum is, without doubt, a strong and positive character, he is taking this news 'in is stride', and in that positivity, he is already talking about building the fastest Enduro Wheelchair the world has ever seen. 

Callum, If we can help you do that we will. In the meantime, if you too want to help Callum please see the JustGiving campaign below which is getting an amazing response, but rest assured there will be plenty more to come, we're just getting started - the greatest adventure lies ahead.

Callum Russell - Rider Down

We heard late on Saturday that Factory rider Callum Russell has been injured while riding at Gisburn Forest in practice for the following day's PMBA enduro round. At this point, we do not know the full extent of Callum's injuries, other than he has sustained a serious back injury.

Callum put the news out on social media himself.


Before I start to say what has happened I want to thank the air ambulance crew and the people that helped me today. I will never be able to thank them enough. Thank you for all the kind messages!!Today I came off the bike at Gisburn forest. I have broken my back and severed my spinal cord. A long journey and challenge ahead starting tomorrow with surgery.��������

A post shared by Callum Russell (@callumrussell725) on Mar 17, 2018 at 3:44pm PDT

What we do know is that Callum underwent surgery at the weekend, which we understand was successful and we await further news. We do however know that Callum will not be jumping straight back on a bike, and has a significant recovery and rehabilitation path ahead of him. 

How you can help

Many of you will know Callum, he is an immensely talented rider and destined for big things. We are proud & privileged to have him with us as a factory rider. Besides that, a nicer guy you would struggle to find. As well as riding for Orange BIkes and being a PMBA Enduro ambassador, Callum's sponsor list reads like an MTB who's who: Conti TyresRoyal Racing7 ProtectionPeaty's ProductsMTBstraponSlick and slide suspensionRapid Racer ProductsPinned TV


The support Callum is receiving from the mountain bike community is nothing short of stellar, and rightly so - we are all whole-hearted behind Callum and want to support him on his road to recovery. 

There has already been a Just Giving Crowdfunding page set-up for Callum  If you can jump on board to show your support that would be amazing. The fact that as we write the target has been smashed to 300% is fantastic, but let's get it past 1000%, get involved.

In the meantime, we're sure you will join us in wishing Callum well. It's at times like these our community shows it's true spirit, and when we pull together we can make things happen. 

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